I did a major terrain change for the level when I found the "Cave Entrance" in the Arid Desert asst pack. I decided that my level was not a random building in the desert, but built into a rocky outcropping in that desert. I wanted to cover everything in rock and sand, but at this point I was having trouble.
I decided that I deserved some better textures, so I found some good ones in the Arid Desert pack, made a fresh set of layer blends, and got painting.
One criticism I got was that my finale didn't look like a finale. I was originally just 1 coin on top of the building. I made a new room, expanded the coin, and put a particle effect above so you knew, this is it!
Lighting was my biggest flaw in the previous pass so I had to make a major change. WHile these bubble look weird, I find them fun, and I'm glad I chose to use them as the fixed lights throughout the level. Again, I recognize that they don't make much sense.
Good progress this week, I would find another way to show light other than the glowing orbs.