Sunday, December 11, 2016

Race Car Finale

Managed to get the shaders working and to properly render my car in Maya with mental Ray. This may have been due last week, but I'm glad I, at least, got it done.

Oh the places you'll go.

Decided on a ice rink course. This is the beginning.

Looks kind purdy.

The general curves laid out. Lots of texture to add.

A texture blend with Landscape Coordinates so I could scale things up to an appropriate size.

Such texture.

A nice track. Laid stone, cause I'm fancy.

Some beauty shots post foliage and asset placement.

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Race Car UVs

Today I leaned that Maya Bonus Tools don't work in Extension 2. This is probably for the best as doing UVs the proper way was probably a worthwhile learning experience. It took a little while, but was relatively stress free. I forgot to take pictures on the way, so these pictures are all of the final results.

Model tuned with spoiler. Look at those clean clean lines. No retopoing here.
Collapsed a few lines on the bottom. It's not like I'm animating the underside.

UVs. I know some weird lines are straggling. Those are the inner linings of the windows where they were extruded inward. Would you say intruded? Probably not...

Probably definitely my final texture. Totally. What a beauty.
And here it is matched up to the UVs.

Finally a photoshop image with some basic colors painted under the UVs. I left the UV lines visible for now but they will be hidden for actual texturing.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

My First Model

We did our first real modelling this week. It was... actually quite enjoyable. I won't call it easy, but a friendly artist showed me a few very useful tools and then I worked without getting distracted (no small feat) for 10 hours. I'm quite pleased with the result, particularly as I miss-sized a reference image and had to go with my intuition.
I didn't snap any pics of the first few steps so we're starting here where I'm sculpting a front window.

We had some extrusion trouble, because I was extruding relative to the world instead of the object (or vice versa, I can't honestly remember).


Making it fit to the better image. You'll see my side image is too small.

This is before I worked the tail. I saved the end for last, so to speak.

Hood, why?

2 Wheels is plenty, my guy.

Windows for seeing things.

I decided I wanted pretty lines and so I straightened everything out, all around. Glad I did, too.

Spoiler alert

Pretty close, chief.

There we go. Rims and everything.

And finally the one thing I forgot, the front window.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Pretty Pass

This week we went back and improved upon last week's level using asset packs and player feedback. A lot of my feedback revolved around lighting and platform speed. People also pointed out that my platforms flickered and it looked "weird" but I was unable to fix this. I changed the lighting, made it static, added more, and toned down the intensity of most of them. It helped make the area feel more full with real light instead of having extremely bright points in space.
I did a major terrain change for the level when I found the "Cave Entrance" in the Arid Desert asst pack. I decided that my level was not a random building in the desert, but built into a rocky outcropping in that desert. I wanted to cover everything in rock and sand, but at this point I was having trouble.

I realized I could add a second terrain piece and sculpt that over the top of the building.
I decided that I deserved some better textures, so I found some good ones in the Arid Desert pack, made a fresh set of layer blends, and got painting.

One criticism I got was that my finale didn't look like a finale. I was originally just 1 coin on top of the building. I made a new room, expanded the coin, and put a particle effect above so you knew, this is it!

Lighting was my biggest flaw in the previous pass so I had to make a major change. WHile these bubble look weird, I find them fun, and I'm glad I chose to use them as the fixed lights throughout the level. Again, I recognize that they don't make much sense.




Sunday, November 6, 2016

Blueprints For Real

A second shot at blueprints. I think I actually learned something this time. It was a crazy struggle. this level took my more than 30 real work hours. however, a lot of that was either watching tutorials, rewatching tutorials, or struggling to find tutorials to teach me the things I didn't know. In the end I found that its easier to just grab a programmer and apply logic.

Terrain in the back, brushes in the front.

We have a lovely entrance. This includes the original stonework pattern on the ground before I started painting.

Soon to be moving platforms. For now, they are static and kinda ugly.

My original pressure plate. I went with the fancy scifi texture later as gold didn't really fit the scene.

Making coins and portals

Door pt.1

Door pt.2

Suns out guns out

My first paint. I did the whole level in sandstone.

Much better.

3 of the eventual 7 moving platforms.

Ahhh real materials on my stuff, and the second floor is finally done (though it's empty inside for now.)

Not anymore.

Making walls move.

La grande finale

And most importantly, my vid: