It started a few weeks ago when I was cleaning up Flux Firefight, I top-down shooter I made with Lukas Nikola in grad school. There were a few bugs inhibiting me from getting a clean play through video, so I said, "I'll fix them."
And I did. It wasn't easy. Some simple tasks took hours, but I did it. It was really satisfying.
Now I'm programming a text-based RPG while following this tutorial: It's been great. I've been changing things up too, both to experiment with what I'm learning, and to fit the story inspiring the game.
I'm going to finish the tutorial at least, we'll see about finishing the game. Rick Hall suggested that if I'm going to learn to program, I should do something ambitious. I'm thinking about programming a pass&play version of Settlers of Catan. I think that's attainable, and it's definitely more ambitious than a text-based rpg.