I've been putting together a level using Bethesda's Fallout 4 Creation Kit. It's my first time using the Kit and my first time using modular pieces to make something, needless to say, it's been a learning experience.
Modular stuff is great in it's own right, I feel like to could pump out level at an incredible speed this way. That being said, I've run into a few problems typical of modular kits. While I won't list the others here, I've just discovered that somewhere in the level, a piece got tilted about 0.9 degrees. Every piece placed afterwards followed the trend because when you're snapping things together, you really only care if they are snapping together. Now that I'm doing some more precise work, I'm trying to duct tape a solution that doesn't leave holes or cause noticeable Z fighting.
The lesson here. Check the transform details every once in awhile. Probably every time you save.